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Scientific Projects E-publishing |
Joost Kircz |
The project aims to develop new retrieval models and algorithms for searching
and browsing in scientific literature. Two important recent developments in
the scientific literature production process form the concrete motivation for
this project: (1) semantically rich document structuring standards, and (2)
increasingly rich keyword annotations that capture domain knowledge. The driving
question underlying this proposal is: How can we use these to improve access
to scientific literature? To address this question we propose to use rich probabilistic
retrieval models that allow us to capture the relation between document content,
document structure, and document-level annotations.
Project leader together with Prof. Dr. Maarten de Rijke. PhD Sudent: Katja
Hoffman. Start September 2008.
We study the transfer of scientific information in Physics on a fundamental
level, without taking technology as a Leitmotiv. We analyze the nature and structure
of the information in scientific articles from the complementary points of view
of physics and of argumentation theory. Our goal is to propose a new modularity
for physics publications that will reflect the possibilities provided by electronic
tools. For further information we refer you to a more extensive introduction
and our papers .
Co-Supervisor (promotor) PhD project:
Dr. Frédérique Harmsze. A modular structure for scientific articles
in an electronic environment. Universiteit van Amsterdam. 9 February 2000.
Maarten C. van der Tol. The Abstract in an Electronic Publishing Environment In progress.
Report: Vooronderzoek samenwerkingsproject UKB, IWI, Uitgevers. 6 April 2002.
See publications > reports
Series of workshops (see below)
The subject of investigation in the LoLaLi project is a general architecture
for environments for electronic dissemination of scientific knowledge of a unifying
kind, as traditionally found in a handbook, on the basis of an exemplary architecture
for an electronic dissemination environment. The research has as its starting
point an in-depth analysis of the Handbook of Logic and Language, edited by
Van Benthem and Ter Meulen, and published by Elsevier Science BV in 1997.
PhD Thesis Caterina Caracciolo. Topic Driven Access to Scientific Handbooks. Amsterdam 2008. Available via http://dare.uva.nl/en/record/272497
A PhD project carried out at the Intelligent Sensory Information Systems Institute of the Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam. PhD student Hoang Anh Minh. This project is now closed.
Global-Info project Germany (1997-1998)
Global Electronic and Multimedial Information Systems for Natural Science and
Engineering, an Innovation Programme of the BMBF. Representing Elsevier Science
for the Innovation in Scientific Communication pre-consortium.
Empathie project (1997- 1999)
Enzyme and metabolic path information. A research project in the field of Information
Extraction carried out by Dr. Robert Gaizauskas and Dr. Kevin Humphreys of the
Natural Language Processing group, Department
of Computer Science, University of Sheffield. UK. This project was co-sponsored
by Glaxo-Wellcome and Elsevier Science.
Conference Chairman
uit de Band Amsterdam,
22& 23 March 2012
Chairman editorial commitee
Unbound Book
Amsterdam and Den Haag 19-20-21 May 2011
Conference Chairman
and Continuity in Scholarly Communications
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam, 25 June 2001.
Coordinator and technical Chairman
Samenwerkingsproject UKB/IWI/Uitgevers
Dutch workshops on users and usages of electronic journals with many presentations
in English (have a look!)
Workshop 1: Gebruik en gebruikers van electronische tijdschriften: de huidige
praktijk en toekomstige ontwikkelingen bij bibliotheken en uitgevers: Jaarbeurs,
Utrecht. 9 oktober 2002.
Workshop 2: Gebruik en gebruikers van electronische tijdschriften: nieuwe technieken
voor zoeken en vinden van informatie bij bibliotheken en uitgevers. Jaarbeurs,
Utrecht. 15 oktober 2002.
Workshop 3: Gebruik en gebruikers van electronische tijdschriften: de huidige
praktijk en toekomstige ontwikkelingen bij redacties van e-tijdschriften: Jaarbeurs,
Utrecht. 10 januari 2003.