Publications in Molecular Physics

Journal publications

Joost G. Kircz en J. van der Elsken. Broadening of the HCl pure rotational lines by methane. Chemical Physics Letters, 49 (1977), 568-570.

Joost G. Kircz, Gerard J.Q. van der Peijl, Jan van der Elsken en Daan Frenkel. Determination of potential energy surfaces for Ar-HCl and Kr-HCl from rotational linebroadening data. Journal of Chemical Physics, 69 (1978), 4606-4616. doi:10.1063/1.436412

Joost Kircz. A comparative study of the broadening effect on rotational lines by methane and noble gases. Academische proefschrift (PhD dissertation), Amsterdam 1979.

A.A. de Jong, J.G. Kircz, C.Th.J. Alkemade and F. van der Valk. Ionization of Na(3P) atoms by collisions with vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules in crossed molecular beams. Chemical Physics, 58 (1981) 243-254.

Joost G. Kircz, Reinhard Morgenstern and Gerard Nienhuis. Polarization dependence of assiociative ionization of laser-excited Na(3P)2P3/2 atoms. Physical Review Letters 48 (1982), 610-613. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.610

Presentations and posters

Poster: Rotational linebroadening of HCl rotational lines by a gas with internal degrees of freedom. XIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy. September 1977, Wroclaw Polen.

Contribution: Meting en interpretatie van Na(3P) ionisatie in botsing met hoog vibratie aangeslagen N2 moleculen. Voorjaarsvergadering NNV sectie atomaire botsingsfysica en spectroscopy. Februari 1981 Lunteren.

Contribution Collision ionization of Na(3P) atoms by vibrationally exited diatomic molecules in crossed molecular beams.
VIII international symposium on molecular beams. June 1981, Cannes, France.

Popular works in physics

Many articles in the Journal of the Dutch Physical Society.

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